Quotes for book cover

Page number 3: “During the summer the daytime temperature hovers around ninety-five degrees in the shade- if you can find any shade.”

Page number 4: “But you don’t want to be bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard.”

Page number 3: “Out on the lake, rattlesnakes and scorpions find shade under rocks and in the holes dug by the campers.”

Analysis, Quote number 3: 

1. This quote shows that the setting is a desert because of the very hot weather that this describes and there is no shade. 

2. It also shows that the people at Camp green lake have to always watch out for yellow-spotted lizards, rattlesnakes and scorpions. 

3. This quote includes theme. 

Rewritten scene

We have taken a part of the book “Holes” by Louis Sachar. This is a scene taken from chapter 45, page 204. The point of this paragraph is to show a scene in a different perspective . Also to see how the mood will change. “The beam of light was so potent that it nearly blinded me. The suitcase was on my lap. Mr. Pendanski came over with a flashlight in his hand, Mr. Sir was next to him pointing a gun directly at Stanley and me. Mr. Sir was the only one wearing pijama bottoms. The warden moved towards us, to confiscate the suitcase that we had. Both of us knew there was no way out.”

This shows that the Warden backed away because she was scared of being bitten by a yellow spotted lizard, it shows this by indirect characterization. This can be seen in the following, “The Warden stopped talking and she stopped walking and then backed away. A lizard crawled on top of the suitcase” Quote from page 205 Mr. Pendanski, Mr. Sir and the Warden were only making their way towards Stanley and Zero for the suitcase. Throughout this novel, Zero had remained primarily the same, therefore he is a static character.

In this chapter the narrator mainly tells us about how Stanley and Zero get out of this situation. It turns out the Warden was only making the boys dig a hole five feet wide and five feet deep to get this treasure she has always been looking since she was a little girl.



“He was hot, tired, hungry and most of all thirsty.”
This quote shows how harsh the conditions at camp Green Lake can be.
There isn’t any water within one hundred miles. It is just a barren desert with no food or supplies.
Luckily, Stanley and Zero find God’s thumb which is a natural source of water. There are also a few onions in the area.


 Book cover

Book cover design

In this activity we have designed a new book cover for “Holes”.  This includes a title, the name of the author, the publisher’s logo, illustrations, a blurb, ISBN number, bar code and quotes from other sources.

For the front cover we included a yellow-spotted lizard, a brown shovel, and the sun.  We included the lizard because they are often referred to in the story and they are particularly dangerous at Camp Greenlake.  A brown shovel is illustrated on the cover because all the boys used shovels to dig holes, which was the main activity for the boys at the camp.  The weather was always hot and scorching at Camp Greenlake and it didn’t rain for long periods of time and because of this, we have included a picture of the sun on the front cover. To give a desert appearance, we used yellow tones on the bottom half of the front cover.  We used blue on the top half of the colour to depict the clear blue skies at Camp Greenlake.

On the spine the background colour is the mix of yellow and brown to depict the desert.  To make the title on the spine a bit more interesting, we made the letter ‘O’ a brown colour to make it look like a hole. Next to the title on the right, we drew a shovel to add more illustrative interest.

We decided to use orange for the background colour on the back cover because it represents the sun and hot weather.  We also highlighted the word ‘Yearling’ because that is the name of the publisher.

Overall the finished product was good.  In reflection, on the front cover we could have drawn the pictures to a better standard and also have made the title a little more interesting. On the back cover we could have added more colours or we could have included illustrations. Instead of using lined paper we possibly could have made the book cover out of blank paper to make it look better.


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In Chapter 6, Stanley tells us how he felt when he was in court for stealing Clyde Livingston’s shoes. Stanley feels horrible that everyone except his own parents think that he is a thief. It makes you think that Stanley felt terrible when Clyde testified they were his sneakers. Nobody believed Stanley and that can create a feeling of unfairness in the reader’s point of view. All this can be seen in the sentences:
“Clyde Livingston testified that they were his sneakers and that he had donated them to help raise money for the homeless shelter. He said he couldn’t imagine what kind of horrible person would steal from homeless children.
This was the worst part for Stanley. His hero thought he was a no-good-dirty-rotten-thief.” (Page 23)

Because Stanley’s hero is Clyde, Stanley feels very bad that he is accused of stealing Clyde’s shoes. It makes you feel Stanley wants to prove he is innocent and that the judges are wrong is that his hero doesn’t think he is a thief. People can think Stanley is selfish because he stole from the poor. This is indirect characterization because the book doesn’t actually say he is selfish. It can make Stanley feel sad and angry to the judges because they accuse him of stealing Clyde’s shoes.




This song displays the atmosphere of the book. The atmosphere is tense at times but most of the time it is vaguely tired, this is shown in the quote”The shovel felt heavy in Stanley’s soft, fleshy hands.”

This quote shows that Stanley is simply not ready for such hardships. His hands are used to the feel of a tv remote not to the rough handle of a shovel. Stanley will have to get used to this lifestyle because he is sentenced to a year at camp green lake. But he is also slightly happy about going to camp camp green lake because that means he can escape from Derick Dunne, a bully at his school. None of his teachers at his school believe that Derick could ever bully Stanley because Stanley is about twice the size of Derick. He is not exceptionally well off financially either, his dad is trying to invent a spray to dispel foot oudor though his attempts are futile. That is probably why Stanley is poor. But at camp green lake everybody is equal, everyone is given an orange jumpsuit and a canteen, nothing else.

By Arek


“The shovel felt heavy in Stanley’s soft and fleshy hands.” Page 26

“He tried to jam it into the earth, but the blade banged against the ground and bounced off without making a dent.” Page 26

“The force stung his hands but made no impression on the earth.” Page 26


This quote shows that Stanley is not ready for camp greenlake.

His hands are too fragile for a shovel.

Stanley will have to get used to living rough.



In this activity we were filming a short play of an important scene in the book.

Stanley, by not wanting to bring attention to his find, shows that he thinks the fossil is special. This can be seen in the following, “He didn’t want to bring attention to his find, afraid that one of the other boys might try to take it from him”. He does not want the other to take it from him because he wanted the credit to get a day off. This quote shows indirect characterization because it does not tell you what he thinks or feels. We can infer that his personality is not very confident nor does he have trust in himself. Stanley is a round character because his emotions and feelings like change like a normal human being. He has contradictory traits too.

We chose to interpretet this scene, because our group decided that it would be better to act all of us, instead of a few. In this short play, Stanley shows Mr. Pensdanski the fossil that he has found. The instructor tells him that the Warden is not interested in these type of stuff. The Warden is clearly interested in treasure hidden there.



Stanley’s emotion


In this activity we  made the emotion “worried”, because that is the emotion that Stanley most feels. When he was on the bus ride to Camp Green Lake, Stanley was feeling worried, therefore he did not know how he would cope in this situation. Yelnats was also feeling this emotion when he went to look for Zero, this emotion adapts to this part of the adventure, because Stanley was feeling worried of how this would turn out.

Stanley is a boy that came from a poor family and he has never been to camp before. “Stanley is a boy that came from a poor family and he has never been to camp before”. This quote shows that Stanley is worried because he doesn’t know how camp would be for the first time. From this quote we can infer that Stanley is worried because it shows indirect characterization. It uses it by not directly telling us his feelings and that makes the reader think about it more.


The finished product looks good, eventhough it could have been better. We could have made the face of the emotion “worried” look more realistic, by having real lips instead of a zigzag passing from one point of the face to the other. Also, the face could have been improved by making it the face oval instead of round, like it is now.
